Discover How This
"Navy Tooth Repair"
Saved My Smile And Slashed my Dentist

I thought I was "Destined for Dentures"...

My husband and even my friends always told me I had a "movie star smile" But my once pristine and healthy teeth were threatening to fall right out.
I was spending thousands of dollars at the
dentist. Worse, my breath had turned
rancid and impossible to mask. No
amount of breath mints or mouthwash could hide it...
How could this happen? I was even
ashamed to let my husband kiss me...and for YEARS I followed my dentist's advice without fail. But my teeth and gums remained weak, inflamed, and bloody.
And the pain! Sometimes as simple as a cold beverage or a crunchy snack would fill my jaw with stabbing pain and I'd almost cry.

Navy Tooth Repair

Even before 2020, I started wearing a mask...

I told people I was "nervous about air pollution"...
...but the reality is, I was embarrassed and ashamed about my smile.
And of course I hoped I could trap the awful stink before it scared away my friends and family.
The worst part is when I heard my granddaughter whisper to my daughter...
"Mommy, how come Grandma doesn't love us?"
I didn't have to ask or keep listening to know what she meant. I never smiled in front of my family and I always kept them a few feet away.
No wonder she thought I didn't love her! Even though I DO love her with all my heart!

And let's not forget about those dentist bills!

My stomach dropped the last time I visited the dentist and saw the bill.
My dentist told me that FIRST, we'd do the root canal.
And THEN I'd get fitted for a crown...which would take MONTHS!
Then FINALLY I'd get the stupid thing installed!
And then even HE got this weird look on his face and his shoulders tensed up.
I asked him what was wrong...and then he gave me the "bad news"...
There was no guarantee that this surgery would be a 100% success.
I'd been in his chair more times than I could count. That meant thousands of dollars down the drain and hours if not DAYS of my life I would never get back.
But what choice did I have?
None whatsoever...or so I thought.
Lucky for me, I had a chance encounter that changed my life.
Turns out, my dental hygiene routine was NOT the issue...

The primary cause of my failing gums and teeth was...

Termite-like bacteria infesting my gums, gnawing away my roots and spreading throughout my nose, throat, and airways.
This SAME bacteria has also been linked to Alzheimer's and dementia!
And that bacteria put me at risk for other inflammatory diseases like:
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
> Arthritis and other Joint Diseases
> Allergies
> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
> Psoriasis
> Rheumatoid Arthritis

The same disease that already stole my smile & precious memories was
now coming for my LIFE!

I followed the simple daily routine and faster than I would have
thought was possible
> The pain in my mouth disappeared
> My gums lost their red puffiness and stopped bleeding
> Bad breath became just a bad memory
> My teeth felt "cemented" into place
Plus now I wasn't afraid of food or drinks! (Apples? Corn? Ribs? Coffee? Wine? I could have it all!)
I could eat what I wanted when I wanted. And I finally give my granddaughter all the overdue kisses she deserved.
Of course, I still had to finish getting that final implant from the dentist...
And every time I see that implant, I remind myself that NOTHING can grow back a lost tooth!
Which means I need to keep on doing what works and never change it!
Anyway, I got my smile back. And because my gums were now healthy, I knew I'd get to keep that smile for good.
I was "Movie Star Annette" all over again...and my husband couldn't stop smiling either!
Now I'm the person who lights up the room. All my friends and family know exactly how much I love them and say I inspire them to be happier too!

Tap below to see how I saved my smile

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